
WORSHIP TEAM: identifies worship service activities, reports on these, and the plans and resources needed to fulfill this ministry.

The Team also focuses on other areas related to worship (e.g., special services and seasonal liturgies) and explores new possibilities.

Areas of service include: Altar Guild, Music and Choir, Crucifer, Acolyte, Readers, Greeters, Ushers, Counters, Prayer Chain, and Lay Pastoral Care.

OUTREACH TEAM: identifies outreach activities, reports on these, and the plans, objectives, and resources needed to fulfill this ministry, and explores new possibilities.

The Team focuses on: Outreach and Mission; Evangelism and New members; Christian Education: Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School; and Social and Fellowship Events.

PROPERTY TEAM: identifies those activities necessary to maintain or improve the church property. They report on the objectives, plans, and resources needed to achieve the same.

The Property Team focuses on: the existing areas of property maintenance, explores new possibilities, works on the church’s property and buildings, and the rectory.

Together with the CEMETERY PRESERVATION TEAM they tend to our historic cemetery and work on cemetery preservation.

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